Job Detail

Job-Re Advertising Protection Specialist

Date Posted: Jul 22, 2024
Views: 450

Job Detail

  • Location:
  • Company:
  • Type:
  • Shift:
    Rotating Days
  • Career Level:
    Experienced Professional
  • Positions:
  • Vacancy number:
  • Experience:
    5 Year
  • Gender:
  • Salary:
    7 A Af
  • Degree:
  • Apply Before:
    Jul 31, 2024

About Concern Worldwide- Afghanistan

Identity: Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Currently, Concern has been working in Afghanistan since 1998, when it responded to an earthquake disaster in Takhar province.  Currently Concern has been working in Takhar and Badakhshan provinces undertaking both emergency response and long term developmental work in the areas of livelihood security, primary education and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

Job Description

Main Duties & Responsibilities:

Technical program quality and management:

  • Lead protection mainstreaming and integration in proposal development.
  • Provide technical support to project staff to design and implement mainstreamed protection activities throughout the project cycle in line with cluster standards.
  • Provide technical guidance for the development of protection integrated multi-sector need assessment tools and risk analyses.
  • Build capacity of project staff through training and coaching in protection mainstreaming, principles and standards, child protection, PSEA, and any other relevant topics.
  • In collaboration with MEAL, develop appropriate monitoring and evaluation system to measure the contribution of all activities to protection of the program participants, and ensure safe and inclusive complaint and response mechanisms are put in place. 

Coordination and representation:

  • Collaborate with relevant internal and external technical experts on issues related to protection for capacity development and knowledge exchange.
  • Support Project Managers to ensure smooth referral pathways between Concern and other International and National NGOs.
  • Coordinate the implementation and monitoring of programs ensuring that identified protection needs, including an age, gender and diversity approach, are adequately addressed.
  • Ensure the regular reporting and information sharing to protection cluster reporting hub.
  • Regularly attend and represent Concern at relevant national and northeast regional Protection cluster, working group and taskforce coordination meetings.

Emergency/ CHS (Core Humanitarian Standards):

  • Concern is committed to CHS to ensure downward accountability. CHS standards guide Concern activities in all stages both emergency and development projects /programs. In Afghanistan, we also bounded our activities by Accountability framework and therefore any Afghanistan employees is responsible to comply with CHS principles and benchmarks as instructed by its policies and therefore make sure that all accept and implement CHS standards in all our activities.
  • To give full support in relation to emergencies/ humanitarian operations when occurring in any area that Concern Afghanistan will respond. This can include but is not limited to participation in the Concern Afghanistan Rapid Deployment Unit (CARDU) and deployment on emergency response teams.

Job Requirements

Applications should be written in English and demonstrate the applicants suitability for the job. A current Curriculum Vita and three referee’s reports should be included in the application. In the first instance applications should be submitted to Concern World Wide- Afghanistan offices in Taloqan marked to the attention of the Human Resources Department. And / or to any other field offices of Concern Faizabad, Yawan, Chahab , Kunduz, and Kabul (Shari now ,5th Street House 1117 Qala - e - Fatullah) or through this email address:

Subject line must be (832 /2024 Protection Specialist) or your application may not be considered. 

Closing Date: 31 July 2024

Skills Required

Submission Guideline:

Applications should be written in English and demonstrate the applicants suitability for the job. A current Curriculum Vita and three referee’s reports should be included in the application. In the first instance applications should be submitted to Concern World Wide- Afghanistan offices in Taloqan marked to the attention of the Human Resources Department. And / or to any other field offices of Concern Faizabad, Yawan, Chahab , Kunduz, and Kabul (Shari now ,5th Street House 1117 Qala - e - Fatullah) or through this email address:

Subject line must be (832 /2024 Protection Specialist) or your application may not be considered. 

Closing Date: 31 July 2024

Submission Email:

Job is expired

Company Overview

, Afghanistan

Identity: Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Currently, Concern h... Read More

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